Free educational resources for history teachers

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Free educational resources for history teachers

I but learned through a Tweet from Stanford History Education Group that they accept made their library of  history lessons in addition to assessments available to sentiment and download for complimentary. You demand to open an account on Stanford History Education Group inward gild for you lot to be able to download these materials. I spent some time going through those resources together with plant them worth the cry-out here.

The resources cover both Earth history too the U.S.A. history. They peculiarly feature "history lessons as well as assessments that ask students to evaluate pieces of visual fine art, including paintings, illustrations, engravings together with political cartoons, every bit historical bear witness". Each history lesson comes with a number of downloadable materials including teacher as well as pupil materials, PowerPoint slides, as well as master documents. Some of these materials are also available inwards Spanish.  

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